Text functions in Excel are powerful tools that can be used to manipulate, analyze, and extract information from text strings. They can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks, including:
Data cleaning and formatting: Text functions can be used to remove unnecessary spaces, non-printable characters, or unwanted characters from text strings. This can help to improve the readability and consistency of data.
Data extraction and splitting: Text functions can be used to extract specific portions from text strings. This can be useful when dealing with large datasets and extracting relevant information.
Text manipulation and combination: Text functions can be used to manipulate and combine text strings to create customized outputs. This can be useful for creating reports, presentations, or other documents.
Case conversion and capitalization: Text functions can be used to convert text to different case formats, such as uppercase, lowercase, or proper case. This can be useful for standardizing the appearance of text data or for creating a more visually appealing output.
Text searching and analysis: Text functions can be used to search for specific text patterns or characters within larger strings or datasets. This can be useful for finding errors, identifying trends, or extracting information.
String reversal and character manipulation: Text functions can be used to reverse the order of characters in a text string or to manipulate individual characters within a string. This can be useful for creating customized outputs or for solving specific problems.
By understanding the uses of text functions, Excel users can efficiently manage, manipulate, and gain insights from their text-based data.
Here are some examples of how text functions can be used in Excel:
To remove unnecessary spaces from a text string, you can use the TRIM function. For example, the formula
=TRIM("This has spaces")
will return the text string "This has spaces".To extract the first 10 characters from a text string, you can use the LEFT function. For example, the formula
=LEFT("This is a string", 10)
will return the text string "This is a".To combine two text strings, you can use the CONCATENATE function. For example, the formula
=CONCATENATE("This is ", "a string")
will return the text string "This is a string".To convert all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase, you can use the LOWER function. For example, the formula
will return the text string "this is a string".To search for the word "and" in a text string, you can use the FIND function. The FIND function will return the position of the first occurrence of the search string. For example, the formula
=FIND("and", "This is a string")
will return the value 5, which is the position of the first occurrence of the word "and" in the text string.
Common Text Functions and Examples
Function | Syntax | Description | Example | Result |
LEN | LEN(text) | Returns the length of a text string. | LEN("well") | 4 |
LEFT | LEFT(text, num_chars) | Extracts a specified number of characters from the beginning of a text string. | LEFT("Hello", 3) | "Hel" |
RIGHT | RIGHT(text, num_chars) | Extracts a specified number of characters from the end of a text string. | RIGHT("Hello", 2) | "lo" |
MID | MID(text, start_num, num_chars) | Extracts a specified number of characters from the middle of a text string. | MID("Hello", 2, 3) | "ell" |
CONCATENATE | CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ...) | Combines multiple text strings into one. | CONCATENATE("Hello", "World") | "HelloWorld" |
CONCAT | CONCAT(text1, text2, ...) | Combines multiple text strings into one. (alternative to CONCATENATE) | CONCAT("Hello", "World") | "HelloWorld" |
UPPER | UPPER(text) | Converts text to uppercase. | UPPER("hello") | "HELLO" |
LOWER | LOWER(text) | Converts text to lowercase. | LOWER("Hello") | "hello" |
PROPER | PROPER(text) | Converts text to proper case. | PROPER("hello world") | "Hello World" |
TRIM | TRIM(text) | Removes leading and trailing spaces from a text string. | TRIM(" Hello ") | "Hello" |
SUBSTITUTE | SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num]) | Replaces old_text with new_text in a text string. | SUBSTITUTE("Hello", "H", "J") | "Jello" |
REPT | REPT(text, num_times) | Repeats a text string a specified number of times. | REPT("Hello ", 3) | "Hello Hello Hello " |
FIND | FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) | Finds the position of a substring within a text string. | FIND("lo", "Hello") | 4 |
SEARCH | SEARCH(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) | Finds the position of a substring within a text string (case-insensitive). | SEARCH("LO", "Hello") | 4 |
REPLACE | REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) | Replaces a specified number of characters in a text string with new_text. | REPLACE("Hello", 2, 3, "i") | "Hi" |
TEXT | TEXT(value, format_text) | Converts a value to text using a specified format. | TEXT(NOW(), "dd-mmm-yyyy") | "25-May-2023" |
EXACT | EXACT(text1, text2) | Checks if two text strings are exactly the same. | EXACT("hello", "Hello") | FALSE |
Advanced Text Functions
Function | Syntax | Description | Example | Result |
TEXTJOIN | TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, text2, ...) | Combines multiple text strings into one, separated by a delimiter. | TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, "Hello", "World") | "Hello, World" |
TEXTSPLIT | TEXTSPLIT(text, delimiter) | Splits a text string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter. | TEXTSPLIT("Hello, World", ", ") | {"Hello", "World"} |
TEXTAFTER | TEXTAFTER(text, delimiter) | Returns the text after the first occurrence of a delimiter. | TEXTAFTER("Hello, World", ", ") | "World" |
TEXTBEFORE | TEXTBEFORE(text, delimiter) | Returns the text before the first occurrence of a delimiter. | TEXTBEFORE("Hello, World", ", ") | "Hello" |
LEFTB | LEFTB(text, num_bytes) | Extracts a specified number of bytes from the beginning of a text string. | LEFTB("Hello", 3) | "Hel" |
RIGHTB | RIGHTB(text, num_bytes) | Extracts a specified number of bytes from the end of a text string. | RIGHTB("Hello", 2) | "lo" |
MIDB | MIDB(text, start_num, num_bytes) | Extracts a specified number of bytes from the middle of a text string. | MIDB("Hello", 2, 3) | "ell" |
LENB | LENB(text) | Returns the length of a text string in bytes. | LENB("well") | 4 |
REVERSE | REVERSE(text) | Reverses the order of characters in a text string. | REVERSE("Hello") | "olleH" |
CLEAN | CLEAN(text) | Removes non-printable characters from a text string. | CLEAN("Hello" & CHAR(7)) | "Hello" |
CHAR | CHAR(number) | Returns the character specified by a numeric code. | CHAR(65) | "A" |
CODE | CODE(text) | Returns the numeric code for the first character in a text string. | CODE("A") | 65 |
UNICODE | UNICODE(text) | Returns the Unicode value of the first character in a text string. | UNICODE("A") | 65 |
These Excel text functions provide a wide range of capabilities for manipulating, analyzing, and extracting information from text strings. You can use them to perform tasks such as finding and replacing text, splitting strings, extracting substrings based on delimiters or byte counts, converting case, reversing strings, and more.